Infrastructure Prosthetics

Team: Julia Pike, Lourenco Vaz Pinto, Philippe Maman, Yash Mehta


Infrastructure Prosthetics reimagines co-living at both the city and living unit scale. The system pairs iterative housing with artificial intelligence to  produce to accommodate the needs of lower-income residents in Los Angeles and is designed to tackle development on brownfield sites. 

The complexities of entitlement processes and on-site infrastructural development pose expensive hurdles in developing affordable housing in Los Angeles County. The roadblocks presented in this project stage often hinder redevelopment or adaptive reuse projects.

Infrastructure Prosthetics proposes a tactical infrastructure that can be deployed on various sites throughout the LA region and are jumping-off points for future construction. They provide a multitude of potential solutions to the most expensive and complex part of developing a project—the infrastructure. Each platform contains accessible hookups to water, electricity, waste, and gas.

Located on brownfield sites along the Alameda Corridor, these platforms attach to existing city infrastructure in a simple efficient manner and allow for gradual, affordable development over time. Each site begins with a mini structural platform, which provides the groundwork for build-out by future developers, architects, and owners, who may add a variety of attachable structures. 

Site strategy is determined by using artificial intelligence and other softwares to find the shortest path on the site based on the existing grid lines overlay from the city. The generative system helps the developers/designers to develop a platform that densifies the site with natural growth of housing units. 

Infrastructure Prosthetics’ plug-in platforms are raised to allow for remediation at ground level. They are also designed for sites that fall within the Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) ordinance, which waves parking requirements. The platform design, however, anticipates deployment in non-transit-oriented or brownfield sites. This elevated network of platforms acts as an extendable structural system and could be reused by future developers or architects in a myriad of layouts.

Project Statement:


House LA